July 2017 - Pedestrian counters installed earlier this year show positive change!
Pedestrian data collected by a new footfall counter and business survey in Wrexham Town Centre has shown an upward surge in shoppers and visitors to the town so far this year.
Weekly footfall data collected indicates that between April – July 2017 there has been an average weekly increase of 6% to around 77,000 pedestrians per week walking along Hope Street. Overall, Saturday is recorded as the busiest day for pedestrians in town, with a peak around midday.
Following an analysis of Wrexham’s High Street performance by the Manchester Metropolitan University back in 2014, a number of recommendations were put forward and last year a new town centre steering group was created to implement a 25-point plan for the town.
One of these goals was to look at ways of increasing footfall, through initiatives such as enhancing the appearance of town along with developing new events. Data from a new electronic pedestrian counter installed on Hope Street has been feeding through weekly counts to the Town Centre Management team and manager Amanda Davies is encouraged by the early results.
“The town centre team and the steering group have worked hard this year to ensure that the town and our markets are prioritised in terms of appearance and promoted well. Along with cornerstone events like the St David’s Day parade, the food festival and the Victorian Christmas Market – the town has been buoyed by the monthly street festivals and community events that regularly occur throughout town".
Wrexham is one of seven towns selected to take part in the Innovate Project, a 2-year government backed project to track sales and footfall in Wrexham. We caught up with Town Centre Officer Rachel Cupit to find out more about the data. Rachel explained that along with the footfall counter, sales data is also collected from a dozen businesses across the town centre every week. This data looks at week on week sales % change and also year on year sales % change.
The businesses currently taking part in the project are spread across the town centre and their sales figures (expressed as a percentage increase or decrease) are submitted every Wednesday. Amanda & Rachel’s town centre team then processes the data and return a sales report to each business showing how their sales have done vs the town centre, plus they receive an overall view of sales and footfall in Wrexham.
The team now hope to install additional counters in other parts of town as they continue to collate more information to support future initiatives and the development of the town as a competitive destination.
Above; Data shows that since the start of April, pedestrian numbers have risen above 77,000 per week on Hope Street in town.
Below; Town Centre Manager Amanda Davies (left) and Town Centre Officer Rachel Cupit (right) showed us around town and explained how the team are working hard to capture visitor data.