import wixWindow from 'wix-window'; let myLang = wixWindow.multilingual.currentLanguage; $w.onReady(function () { //changes the gallery to match language selection if (myLang === 'en'){ $w('#VISITen').show() $w('#VISITen).expand() } else if (myLang === 'cy'){ $w('#VISITcy').show() $w('#VISITcy').expand() } }); FOCUS Wales 2019 rolls into town...
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FOCUS Wales 2019 rolls into town...

FOCUS Wales is back and will take place over 16th-18th May 2019! Therefore we caught up with Neal, Andy and Sarah from FOCUS to find out a little more about this years' event...

FOCUS Wales is an international multi-venue showcase festival taking place in Wrexham, North Wales, which places the music industry spotlight firmly on the emerging talent that Wales has to offer the world, alongside a selection of the best new acts from across the globe.

This year, FOCUS Wales 2019 will mark the festival's 9th edition, and will welcome over 10,000 people to the town, building upon 2018′s record attendance across a jam-packed weekend of events.

There's no place like Wrexham during FOCUS Wales, as we showcase 200+ bands, fill out a variety of spaces and music venues, using 20 stages, and hosting a full schedule of Interactive Industry Sessions, Stand-up Comedy, Arts events, and Film screenings, throughout the festival.

Andy Jones, one of the team behind the event told us more about the multi-venue event when we caught up with him last week;

"We're really excited about the 2019 festival, as Wrexham is gearing up to welcome more international delegates than ever, plus we've more venues across the town centre taking part for the first time! Music is at the heart of the community here in Wrexham and North East Wales, so for us to receive the continued support of local businesses and music fans is brilliant."

"Music is at the heart of the community here in Wrexham and North East Wales"

Andy continued;

"In addition, we have also continued to receive great support from a number of organisations including Wrexham County Borough Council, the This Is Wrexham Tourism Partnership and of course Visit Wales (our national tourism body) who help ensure the continued success of FOCUS Wales each year with their support."

FOCUS Wales 2019 launches on Wednesday evening with a private VIP event for invited delegates, before the music officially kicks-off on Thursday 16th May at multiple venues across the town centre. For full details of where the venues are click here - and to see the full schedule of gigs & conferences between 16-18th May, click here.


Tickets for the three days, with entrance to all venues & conference sessions (subject to capacity levels) priced at £40.00 can also still be purchased in person at the Wrexham Tourist Information Centre on Queens Square between 10.00am - 4.00m on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th May and between 10.00am - 3.00pm on Saturday 18th May.

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